08 December 2010

A Blowin' Up Blog

Mallory here now. Being the newbie to blog-writing that I am, I often find myself checking out what the interweb has to offer in that vein. I've got to say, I've found a gem in blog form in StyleBy.Me by Anna Chatelain and Josh Clemence. This website has got more style in it's little pinky than an entire Macy's has in it's... self? That's a bold statement, but stick with me. Co-founded by one fantastically stylish lady with whom I had the pleasure of sharing a Kappa pledge class, it's touted as "A Local Lookbook." The concept is decidedly simple, yet unequivocally ingenious.

They ask the stylish patrons of Northwest Arkansas to submit photos of themselves  sporting what he or she reckons is a particularly dapper outfit, and they display these photos on their website for all the world to see. Of the many reasons this is a great idea, my favorite is the sheer inspiration that can ensue. It can make you look at the same ol' things that have been hanging in your closet since college in a totally new light. While I may not have the exact dress and belt I see in a photo, I could have a similar dress and belt that I would have never thought to put together on my own. Thanks StyleBy.Me for extending my wardrobe by one more ensemble! 

It can also great to have a peek what real people are wearing. Sometimes you can fully support a trend while still being a little afraid to sport it. If you're anything like me, sometimes seeing that one more girl approves can give you that extra boost of confidence to wear it with your head held high. 

They've also got a frequently updated blog, authored by a few different savvy ladies, each with her own style perspective. Their advice and tips are dead on and comprehensive enough that no matter what your style or body type, you're going to learn something. 

The discovery of this little treasure has been a huge eye-opener for me. If you've fallen into a style rut, which I admittedly had, this website might just be your saving grace. These two have provided us spectators a tool, and for that we should thank them!

P.S. If you're in NWA you'll definitely want to check it out for their advertisers. Mention the blog or print an ad from it and the boutiques who have sponsored the site will give you a discount!

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  1. I appreciate this post so much. Thank you and we hope that you will submit some looks soon!!

  2. My wife is gonna get a kickity kick out of this website. Good find Mal.


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