10 March 2011

Being Human Episodes 7 & 8

Aaand we're back! So sorry that my week 7 post is almost two weeks late and my week 8 post is two days late.  It's been a crazy week and a half.  However I'm still finding that this show really does continue to impress me (Sorry to you unwavering followers of the original. I still haven't seen the BBC version, but if you're THAT determined, pick up a box set on DVD and send it over. I'll be sure to watch it. Wink.)

Episode 7 sees Josh taking his injured sister home, only for her to find his journal filled with research on his "condition." This, of course, leads to sis blabbing to their parents which, of course, leads to his parents thinking he's off his rocker.  His parents ask him how long he has thought he was a werewolf and begin thinking he's crazy until Aidan conveniently shows up to have his back. Good thing he did too, because the vampire who beat up Josh's sister (you know the one that Josh beat up) is there seeking revenge on Josh's family.  In the meantime back home Sally is trying out her ghosting skills on Danny in an attempt to get him to confess that he's the reason for her death.  He belittles her yet again, and it works. He tells her that he'll never be scared because she can't actually do anything to him and that she's even less of a person.  It really worked as an interesting metaphor for domestic abuse.

Episode 8 was thus far Mallory's favorite episode.  It contained a lot of humor (most episodes do) and she digs funny things.  But remember a few episodes ago when I said Aidan received a dvd that showed Rebecca killing a man in a hotel room (apparently vampires get off on that)?  Well he never got rid of it despite his promise to Josh and Sally that he would. Ever the rational hero, he rescues a boy from some neighborhood bullies and a multigenerational friendship ensues.  Let's just say he ends up letting the kid go pick out a Three Stooges dvd from his bedroom.  Guess which DVD one he found. Guess who has one unhappy mother.

The great thing about this show is that it turns out to be a repository for North American indie music. One of the best songs from episode 8 is Solid Gold's "New Kanada". It's got a dark atmospheric feel that fits well with a show about monsters and ghosts. Especially angst-filled ones that aren't in high school.  Another good song would be Zaza's "Sooner or Later" from episode 7.  Please give them both a listen.  Check back next week for more on this show!

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