24 June 2011

There's an Interesting Thing Happening in Silicon Valley

Turntable.fm is still in its beta stage but is becoming all the rage of Silicon Valley.  Right now it is in it's invite only phase, but the nice thing is that if you have a friend who happens to be on, well then you get to join as well.

Well what is it?  It's a social music streaming service, in some ways similar to Pandora or Grooveshark, but instead of letting Pandora's "music genome" give you like minded songs based on your interests, the site is more like Grooveshark in that any DJ on the site is letting you listen to the music they pick.  You can create your own rooms or you can find a room with fewer DJs and you too can be a DJ. There's a great article at BetaBeat.com that explains all it's potential use, and how it's slowed down productivity all across Silicon Valley.  Even Mark Zuckerberg has been seen listening to some tunes.  Try and check it out, it looks to be the next big thing.

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