03 July 2011

Stay Tuned... True Blood Season 4 Episode 2

Justin: Well we watched episode 2 of True Blood early on HBOGO (which if as an HBO customer you should definitely use).  I want to start out by saying this episode was much better than last week's.  It seems we got into the actual story of this season.  So Mallory's going to start off.


Mallory: I have to admit I was more engaged this week than last. Each story began to play out a little more which made me a little more interested... in most of them. I'll get to that later, but I guess the biggest surprise to me was seeing Bill with another woman. I felt more hurt for Sookie than she seemed to be when she walked in and saw the intimacy for herself. I get that she's mad at him for various reasons, but in her mind she was only gone a few minutes and he's already found himself an understudy. I don't care how mad you are, being replaced so quickly would get more of a reaction than that out of any girl. And while we're at it, if Bill was so heartbroken over Sookie's disappearance (like Jessica claimed) how is it that he was able to give up on her so quickly? Surely 13 months of searching for the love of your life is nothing to a vampire? After being around for hundreds of years?

Justin: Yeah you would think so.  Plus it seems that Bellafleur woman from last week's episode also has some sort of relationship with him too, so there's no real telling.  I do like him as the king though, and the fact that he sent Eric out to deal with the witches.  I like that they hate each other, but he clearly think Eric's the only on who can handle it (It's kind of like Jack and Sawyer in the later half of LOST).  Lafayette and Jesus (Hey-Soos) seem to be getting in a little over their heads with those witches to boot.  I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus turns bad either.  But what about Sam and his Shifter buddies, did they foreshadow that Sam is going to kill his little brother?  If a Shifter kills a Shifter they're related to then they can shift into another human.  I really wonder where all these rules for the different supernaturals come from.  Is it the writers just saying, "Oh and hey and now they can do this!"  I know Mallory didn't watch the show, but that's why I quit watching Heroes (as did the rest of the world).

Mallory: I am glad to see the witches vs. Eric thing coming into play because it unites two different story threads. Every major character having their own thing going doesn't work for me. At least this way the vampires' story is combined with Lafayette's (and maybe Tara's?). Eric may be my favorite character. I like that he's badgood. He always seems to have the upper hand in any situation and ultimately, in his own way, does what he thinks is best. Plus he's really the only thing keeping Sookie relevant at this point. All this episode all she did was run around trying to get Eric to let her have her house back. If she's not careful she'll normal herself out of the show.

Justin:  Speaking of Sookie, we haven't talked about the fact that Crystal and her boyfriend/cousin are turning Jason into a werepanther.  After they do that, the only normal people left are Tara (except now she's a female UFC fighter)  and Arlene and Terry and the baby (which might be the devil).  I think you're right Mallory, this season so far has nothing to do with Sookie.  Then again that's kind of what happens when you leave for a year and come back.  She's not at the same level of importance to them all.  She is going to be more important now that Eric seems to have lost his memory thanks to the witches, she's going to have to rehabilitate the man (I'm sure Bill is going to save her in the first few minutes of next week's).  What do you think?

Mallory: I think it's all crazy, is what I think. I really couldn't care less about Jason or his girlfriend or their compound. Even if they do actually turn him into a... werepanther... I still won't care. His story hasn't been interesting since he went to that weird church camp in the second season. The fact that everyone is something takes them all down several levels of interesting. It seems silly to say this about a show that started telling such a far-fetched story from the beginning, but it's getting ridiculous. So, readers, what were your thoughts on this week's episode?

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