13 September 2011

Missoni Madness

Can you even buh-lieve all of this hype for Target's *for-a-limited-time-only* Missoni line? I mean have you ever seen so many ladies crazy for chevron in your life?

Does it make you apartment-dwellers want to go out and buy patterned patio furniture? Do you Hawaiian beachbabies want to run out and buy colorful blankets and sweaters? You know, I don't have babies (or plan to for quite. a. while.) but some of the kiddo clothes are just too adorable to pass up! I'm not much of a biker either, but those superfun vintage looking bicycles (complete with basket) make me want to pack a picnic, ride to the nearest park and then frolic around it in some new stripey ballet flats!

If you've tried to visit the website today you know that even Target wasn't prepared for the influx of traffic. Their error message says that they are "suddenly extremely popular" and that they'll "get you in as soon as [they] can!" Guess we'll just have to cross our fingers that some shoppers left some goodies behind to be picked up during a lunchtime Target run!

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