29 October 2011

A Very Martha Halloween

Last year we started a tradition that I hope continues for a long time. While pumpkin carving and seed roasting are nothing our of the ordinary, they are perfect ways to usher in the fall. And now that we have a house, we couldn't not liven up our front porch with some tea-lit gourds. Inspired by a photo I saw on Martha's website, I decided to go the drill-holes-in-your-pumpkin route. They were simple and classy, yet festive.

Until  you put them next to the ones Justin carved...

If you couldn't tell, that's Yoda. He also did R2D2. So now, all of a sudden, my simple, classy pumpkins look like the star field background for our Star Wars themed halloween decorations. We are the nerd house on the street.

If you plan on taking your kids trick-or-treating this year, be sure and swing by our house. We'll be the ones passing out light sabers and bookmarks.

However all was not lost. The seeds were salvaged an roasted in not one, but two different varieties. We went savory and sweet this year. The first round was fairly classic: olive oil, salt, pepper and Cavender's (which Justin believes with all his heart makes everything taste better. Can't say I argue with him.). Round two was the sweet batch, inspired by a coworker who mentioned about two months ago that his mother always roasted their seeds with cinnamon and sugar, so I thought "why not?"

That's not true at all. I thought, "holy cow that sounds amazing. I can't wait until they start selling pumpkins." For this batch, I used butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Both kinds were super easy and turned out great. We've been snacking on them for the past week.

The process is super simple as well. As you're cleaning your pumpkins, have a bowl set aside to collect the seeds. Rinse them in a colander and dry them with a paper towel as best you can. Spread them on a baking sheet and coat them in whatever seasonings you want. Roast them at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes "stirring" them about halfway through.

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  1. Love the pumpkins and the roasted pumpkin seeds sound great. Wish I could come trick or treating at your house!!!


  2. Thank you Courtney! We'll let you come trick-or-treat at our house if you take us to London with you next time you go! Sounds like a fair trade to me :)


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