25 April 2011

A Green Acres Easter

We spend the Saturday of our Easter weekend on this guy's family farm.

Let it be known that I have never, NOT ONCE,  been mistaken for a farm girl or cowgirl of any sort. In fact, on my last visit to said farm I was was the butt of more than one joke because I didn't think anything of wearing a pair of silver snakeskin wedges (I totally made it all day in those beauties too). Apparently this is not kosher farm footwear.

This time I came prepared, sporting something a bit more appropriate. And it was lucky for me that I did because I stepped in more than one "present" left behind by the cows. But at least I wasn't eating them like someone else, who shall remain nameless...

"Who, me?"
On this visit I donned a pair of black and white cowboy boots, skinnies, a classic black shirt and (only because I couldn't find a stetson tie in time) finished the look off with a pearl necklace to girly it up a bit. I still managed to get laughed at...

P.S. - A baby calf was born while we were there and we got to see it take it's first steps. Amazing!

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1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious... and sounds like something that would happen to me... Well I think you looked oh so cute! Just because you are on a farm doesn't mean you can't look fabulous! :-)


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