07 April 2011

She's a Lady: Double Dose!

Marion Cotillard from here
Audrey Tautou from here

Bonjour! I must be channeling my inner European (quick confession: I practiced my Scottish accent in the car the whole way to work this morning. don't judge.), because I'm finding myself fascinated by a couple of French ladies as of late. I really don't know a whole lot about Marion Cotillard or Audrey Tautou, but Myers-Briggs tells me I'm a feeler rather than a thinker. And as a feeler I just have a very good feeling about these two. They're just so alluring and sexy and resplendent and oh là là!

Now, regarding Ms. Cotillard, it was girl-crush at first sight. I had not seen La Vie en Rose but I did see the number she wore to accept her Oscar for it.

Photo borrowed from here
Have you ever seen a fish-scale dress pulled off so well? Doesn't she look like a mermaid who no one told that you're not suposed to be that beautiful AND be able to walk on land? Like, it's just not fair? You should have to choose one or the other. It (and consequently she) has been one of my all-time Oscar favorites ever since.

I'm a bit ashamed to say that the only film I've actually seen her in is Inception, but her performance was downright captivating. She played Mal (off to a good start!), a "physical" representation of the desire to just let go and float forever through dreamland. That sneaky little minx...

Photo borrowed from here
Audrey, however is another story. She first came into my life via Coco Before Chanel which Justin absolutely insisted we see. Ok, the insisting was on my behalf, as in "I know you want to see this and there is no. way. you're going to miss this movie just because it's girly and I have no interest in it." Good guy, huh? Oh goodness, am I rambling? So sorry! Back to Audrey. She played the beautiful, yet cold and somewhat offputting Coco Chanel. And she did it convincingly.

Photo borrowed from here
The next film I saw her in (which had actually come out years prior to Coco) was Amélie, a complete and total departure from her role in Coco. Yet somehow she was able to pull off both roles beautifully! I'll never understand these actor folks.

Amelie borrowed from here
What do you think? Do these two make you want to strut around the Champs-Élysées with your poodle, Fifi, Loius Vuitton slung casually arcoss your shoulder, espresso in hand? Or does someone else strike your girl-crush fancy? Comments, please!

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  1. Add "Dirty Pretty Things" with Audrey Tautou and Chiwetel Ejiofor, and also "Big Fish" with Marion Cotillard and Ewan McGregor to your Netflix queue. I think you will like them.

  2. I completly forgot about Big Fish, I HAVE seen that one. I'll add Dirty Pretty Things to the queue though, for sure. Thanks for the suggestion! Justin says A Very Long Engagement is a good one too. Lots to catch up on!

  3. Dirty Pretty Things looks good to me. I've always remembered seeing the box at movie stores. Also Marion Cotillard is rumored to be in The Dark Knight Rises so that should be pretty awesome.


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