26 June 2011

Stay Tuned... True Blood Season 4 Episode 1

Mallory: For the first time, we're watching True Blood as it happens. In the past we've had to wait around until the whole season was over and came out on blu ray. Now that we've got HBO we can watch it right alongside everyone else! This seemed like the perfect time to start a series of weekly recap/discussions. So here we go!

Consider yourself alerted. 

Justin: It was kind of different having to wait a week between episodes (we might go ahead and watch the second on HBO GO though).  This week's episode was probably the most different from any in the entire series.  The first 3 seasons, took place in pretty much a 3 month timespan, and I guess the writers realized that, and so when Sookie went with the fairies, she was actually gone for about 13 months, as if she was gone to Narnia the time between the too worlds flowed differently and she only spent about 15 minutes with them.  Turns out they're kind of evil too.

Mallory: While this show's always been a little strange, this was the first time I thought, "Are they serious?" A fairy spaceship with magic fruit that kills you if you go back to Earth? Tara's now Toni and likes girls? Sam just now, after 30+ years of being a shifter, found a random group of shifter friends to hang with? Lafayette has a MOHAWK? Just making sure you were still paying attention. Lafayette is a witch? How far do they have to reach to come up with new plots?

Justin: Well they kind of alluded to Lafayette being a witch with a lot of power near the end of last season.  I have a feeling that next week's episode will actually get into the story of this season, (hopefully).  It is funny that this show can be so ridiculous in all it's supernatural elements yet still come across as serious.  I think I'm most curious what this Portia Bellafleur character is up to, and on a side note kind of curious about how it compares to the book and Lafayette's role (he died in the first we've been told).  I did really enjoy the political pandering the vampires were doing to try to get the public back on their side.

Mallory: This was the first we actually saw of Lafayette's "powers," which are apparently strong enough to bring dead birds back to life... temporarily. I'm sure the honing of said skills will come into play at some point in the current season. I really do hope that next week gets more of a story going. This season's opener seemed more about the shock factor than storytelling. I do wonder if the fairies will come back into importance, or if the whole point of that subplot was to let us know that Sookie can finally identify with a strange species like the rest of Bon Temps.

Justin: Hahaha yeah she does.  It makes me wonder if Tara is also a witch, and if so then they're all just something strange other than Arlene (she's probably Frankenstein).  My questions for next week's episode include:  What's gonna happen now that Bill seems over Sookie and Eric owns her house giving him free reign?  Are they going to show us the Bill's fight with Sophie (He's the King of Louisiana now!) or are they just leaving that up to our imaginations? Adding to that, how long is Eric going to put up with taking orders from him?

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1 comment:

  1. Meh. That episode was a huge let down and a nail in the coffin (excuse the pun) if you will for my distaste with the series' laziness. Bad writing, bad acting, now bad plotting. ugh. I'll stick to Game of Thrones.


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