16 June 2011

There is a Season Turn, Turn, Turn...

boots borrowed from here
It's a touchy subject, really, boots in summer. I'm sure a quick survey would turn up plenty of people who would scoff at the idea before writing you off as a complete lunatic. Even the male half of this blog's reaction was "sounds hot... as in temperature." And while that's not exactly a rejection of the style, it's still a negative response to the idea.

Victoria borrowed from here

However a quick google search consisting of the words "summer," "boots" and "2011" turns up loads of results, including a link to Louis Vuitton's summer collection. Their summer BOOTS collection, to be exact. Now one might be inclined to assume that a designer's summer boots collection would be limited to consist solely of breezy materials (mesh? lace? water vapor?) and in only a few select styles (as in sandal-style). Or was that just me?

Ashlee borrowed from here

I was surprised to find that there were no limitations to the type of boot offered in the summer. There were suede, leather, fabric, open-toe, closed toe, flat, chunky-heeled, slender-heeled, tall, short and booties. There was little difference in these 2011 summer boots than what one would find in fall or winter. Who knew? You, probably. You're so smart like that.

Dianna borrowed from here

All of this boots-in-summer talk came about because I was recently gifted a fab pair (thanks Aunt Sandy!) that happens to be white. Now I'm no stickler for the "no white after Labor Day" rule, but like most, I tend to associate the color with the hottest, beachiest, sunniest season. And it got me thinking. And researching. InStyle.com says that summer boots are best worn with " an oversize, broken-in T and loose denim shorts." I can't help but think that piling on some long chainy necklaces wouldn't hurt the look either. Well the time has come. Tonight I'm going to test it out. I'll report back on what I find, but in the meantime I'd LOVE to know your thoughts! Comments, anyone?

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