30 December 2011

DIY Hex Nut Bracelets

Justin and I were at Home Depot this week buying boring household things like paint and screws when I looked up and found myself staring at a wall of nuts and washers. There were nuts and washers in all sizes, weights and counts and while staring at this wall of nuts and washers I was reminded of a diy tutorial I had once pinned from Honestly...WTF which called for just thing things at which I found myself staring! I grabbed a pack of 50 hex nuts, ran to Hobby Lobby for embroidery thread and before I knew it I had braided myself three diy hex nut bracelets. And while I probably wouldn't don all three at the same time, I do think they would make a lovely, fun addition to any arm party!

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1 comment:

  1. Cool bracelet and very cheap too! I'm sure both men and women can wear this. You should start your own business.

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