05 December 2011

DIY Number Glasses

A few weeks ago my mom and I were shopping around Hillcrest and we came across these very cool {and very practical} numbered wine glasses. What makes a wine glass practical, you ask? The numbers, of course! When you have guests and all your guests have a glass of wine, and all those wine-drinkging guests are playing cards, or rock band, or sneaking snacks to Sabrina Soto in your closet, or whatever your guests do at your parties, how on earth are they supposed to keep up with which glass is whose? If your glasses are numbered it's easy. And getting your glasses to be numbered it pretty easy too. Here's how I did it.

What you need:

  • inexpensive glasses
  • etching cream
  • vinyl stencils
  • cheap brush
  • scissors
  • painters tape

Start out by cutting out the numbers you need from your stencils, leaving as much room for yourself around each number as you can. The reason I used vinyl stencils is because they're really flexible and molded to the shape of the glass.

Use the painters tape to secure the stencils to the glass. 

Using the brush, glop on a thick layer of etching cream. Make sure that it doesn't touch your skin {because eww} or any exposed glass.

I held mine horizontal so the etching cream didn't drip down the side of the glass {like the photo above...}. It only takes about 2-3 minutes to do it's thing and then you just rinse it off with water. That's it! You can immediately peel off the stencil and you're done. Crack open a bottle and put your new glasses to use {after  you run them through the dishwasher!}.

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1 comment:

  1. LOVE!!! I plan on doing this with a cool J on our everyday glasses!


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