17 January 2011

Being Human... is it Worth It?

from io9.com
Justin here.  Maybe it's television's fault that I haven't been able to find a good show to watch since the finale of Lost last May.  Every show we've tried to start watching the past to years has either been canceled or quickly lost our interest.  Flashforward was an interesting show and ABC decided to give a super long mid season hiatus and everyone lost interest.  V never kept me interested and this season's Undercovers never really showed the spark to make it past 13 episodes.

So it was with some trepidation that I decided to watch SyFy's new show Being Human.  Based off of a British show of the same name it follows three characters each with their own quirks in the city of Boston.  One's a vampire (Aidan), one's a werewolf (Josh), and they just moved into a flat with one ghost of a girl (Sally).  It kind of sounds a little like Twilight, but the show is in on that joke making a quick tongue and cheek reference, also it's way less melodramatic and not geared toward teen girls.

Josh & Aidan hate the fact that their afflictions will force them to eat & kill innocent bystanders.  Sally can't leave the house and can't even remember how she died and her normal human fiance has no idea she's haunting their old house.  The vampires of Boston want to bring Aidan back into the fold, and don't take a liking to his rooming with a werewolf.  Josh ran away from his whole family once he was cursed and now his sister has shown up in town and recognized him and is wanting answers.

Mark Pelligrino who played Jacob on Lost plays the leader of the vampires, Bishop, and masquerades as a policeman.  There's humor and drama in this show, and it took some twists that I wasn't expecting.  While it's not as graphic as HBO's True Blood, there's still enough bite to this show to pique my interest and I hope to remember to watch it again next Monday night at 9/8 central.  I want to know what's going to happen and hope this show will continue to be decent and for that reason if you get an opportunity to watch the pilot between now and then, I suggest you do. 

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1 comment:

  1. Check out the BBC original. It's really good. And Russell Tovey is damn cute.



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