24 January 2011

In Case You Ever Wondered...

Possibly you
 You might be a zombie. Ok it's likely that you're not, but how do you know? Lucky for me, I read the book You Might Be A Zombie and Other Bad News from the editors of the entertainingly insightful website Cracked.com. You might know them as the people who brought you Mad Magazine and Mad TV. You're loving it already, aren't you?

The truth is this book's got little to nothing to do with zombies and everything to do with truly interesting information about all sorts of random things (trivia-lovers: take note). And it's all wrapped up in a sarcastic little package, tied with a bow of hilarity. Can you name 5 famous artists who didn't come up with their signature creation? What about 3 colors that are secretly controlling your mind? You could if you'd read this book (I'm not telling, by the way). All the articles have over-the-top titles, but are totally legit and backed up with well-researched information.

When I adressed those trivia-lovers earlier I was not including myself. I'm typically just not that interested in random facts seeing as how Who Wants to be a Millionaire was cancelled (wasn't it?), and I missed my chance at the big bucks. However, I found myself not only reading, but enjoying reading this book every time I picked it up. Many of my sentences began with "Did you know that..." when I had the book in hand. It changed my life!

Ok I wouldn't go that far, but it did expand my body of knowledge and it definitely made me laugh and I'm willing to bet it would for you too!

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