01 January 2011

Recipe for Luck

Happy 1-1-11! As all you good Southern boys and girls know, the way to a lucky year is to eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day. While the past two New Year's have found us heating canned black-eyed peas, this year we're going to attempt to spice it up-- literally. We figure if anyone can take a southern staple like black-eyed peas and (forgive us for this one) "kick it up a notch" it would be a pair of fellow southerners. Don't worry, FoodNetwork promises us that this recipe is "easy" and good (5 out of 5 stars).

We're going to have ours tonight and hope they turn out as good as they look! Hope everyone has a lucky and blessed 2011!

The Neelys' recipe for Black-Eyed Peas with Bacon and Pork.

Update: We've had our black-eyed peas with ham and thus, solidified our luck for the coming year!

Keela got in on the action too!

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