13 January 2011


Remember Erica, the girl in The Social Network who had the misfortune of dating the self-centered and socially awkward Mark Zuckerberg? What about Mark's best friend Eduardo, the one who co-founded Facebook with him?  Get ready to stop feeling sorry for them, or at least the actors who were playing them.  They've moved on to bigger and better roles, and today we saw the proof.

from ew.com

Eduardo, meet the 2012 Spider-Man reboot, IN 3D.  Based on the picture it looks like this will be a much grittier Spider-Man, and this has the blog world abuzz.  Just about anything could be better than Spider-Man 3 so we look forward to Andrew Garfield slinging some web.  Also this film seems to be much safer for the cast than the new broadway show.

from collider.com

Erica now you'll be able to hack Facebook as Lisbeth Salander.  Rooney Mara is totally changing gears in order to play a painfully shy social outcast in David Fincher's take on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  The film is based on the first book from the popular Millennium Trilogy by the late Swedish author Stieg Larsson.  The Swedes have already made a fantastic film, and it makes us a little nervous that the American version will have a different ending.  We'll have to wait and see!

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