15 April 2012

The Cabin in the Woods Review

If you read my post from last week detailing my absence from the blog you saw down at the bottom that I said I was going to come back with a review of Drew Goddard's Cabin in the Woods.  We saw it yesterday, but I don't want to tell you anything about it.  At all.  It's really good though.  I also recommend if you haven't seen it to go out and watch it as soon as possible.  It was co-written by Joss Whedon (Creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly Dollhouse, and director writer of this summer's The Avengers) and Goddard and they've crafted a well written insightful horror film that everyone should see.

The film is rated R as are most standard horror flicks, but it's still so much fun.  That's all I can really say about it.  Fun. I don't understand why it took four years for this film to come out either, but interestingly Chris Hemsworth (Thor) stars in it and at the time of production neither he nor Whedon knew they'd have anything to do with Avengers.  If it helps, at this time Rotten Tomatoes is giving the film a 93%.  Do yourself a favor and go see it! In the meantime, since I'm not telling you anything about the film, why don't you listen to/watch the music video for Alex Clare's "Too Close".  It was the song I also mentioned at the end of my last big post.

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